The Third Room x AMP
We are happy to announce our first club night at AMP Münster on May 13th. For this debut, we are presenting the go-getter ANNĒ, the avid sound visionary Phara, and our T3R residents Ahmet Sisman and VNNN.. We are already excited to meet you all on the intimate dance floor of Münster’s number one address for techno enthusiasts.
Supported by Initiative Musik GmbH with project funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media.
Date/Time: 13.05.2023 / 23:00 – 08:00
Early Ticket – 13€* (SOLD OUT)
Regular Ticket – 15€*
Final Ticket – 18€*
Artwork by
Daniel Bornmann (Duat Agency)

23:00 Ahmet Sisman
02:00 ANNĒ
04:00 Phara
06:00 VNNN.
08:00 End